
UDK: 711.163:627.42+625.711.1
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 62 (2010) 12
Paper type: Professional paper
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Proposal for strategic rehabilitation of some parts of the Zagreb municipal system

Goran Cvrlje, Marijan Habajec, Goran Poljanec, Branko Horvat, Berislav Krtalić, Robert Planinc, Dominik Stamać


Starting by critical analysis of the existing situation, the authors propose interventions needed for proper development of the Zagreb municipal system. An emphasis is placed on two physical barriers that currently separate the city: levees along the Sava River, and the railway corridor. The removal of these barriers will enable proper linking of municipal districts and adequate unification of the transport and municipal infrastructure. The removal of levees will be made possible by widening the Sava - Odra flood relief channel, while construction of a cut-and-cover railway is anticipated in the railway corridor.

City of Zagreb, municipal infrastructure, municipal system, levees along the Sava, railway corridor, cut-and-cover railway, transport


Cvrlje, G., Habajec, M., Poljanec, G., Horvat, B., Krtalić, B., Planinc, R., Stamać, D.: Proposal for strategic rehabilitation of some parts of the Zagreb municipal system , GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (2010) 12


Cvrlje, G., Habajec, M., Poljanec, G., Horvat, B., Krtalić, B., Planinc, R., Stamać, D. (2010). Proposal for strategic rehabilitation of some parts of the Zagreb municipal system , GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (12)

Goran Cvrlje
ZET, Zagreb

Marijan Habajec
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Goran Poljanec
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Branko Horvat
Institut IGH d.d.

Berislav Krtalić
Institut IGH d.d.

Robert Planinc
Institut IGH d.d.

Dominik Stamać
Institut IGH d.d.